
Pastoral Support

At New Day Lutheran, we believe in the power of pastoral care to provide comfort, guidance, and support during life's challenges. If you're in need of a listening ear, a word of encouragement, or prayerful companionship, our pastoral support team is here for you. Whether you're navigating personal struggles, seeking spiritual direction, or simply longing for connection, we invite you to reach out and share your journey with us. Pastor Ann is available to offer pastoral visits, phone calls, and compassionate presence, providing a source of strength and solace in times of need. You are not alone—let us walk alongside you with care and compassion.

"A New Command I Give You: Love One Another. As I Have Loved You, So You Must Love One Another." - John 13:34

We're here to listen, support, and welcome you into our inclusive community at New Day Lutheran Church. Let's start a conversation and explore together the boundless love and grace of God.